I've got a question for you ladies.
In my household, I'm being told that my current motorcycle gear storage location is not desired haha. It's in the kitchen piled up on this shelf. And since gear can be smelly, I'm not sure about hanging it inside a closed closet with my other clothes. Although I realize hanging jackets and pants would be ideal. I live in LA where it is HOT and the garage doesn't have A/C. So the garage isn't a good choice either. I'm trying to figure out where and how to store my motorcycle gear. I'm thinking I might need to bite the bullet and hang it all inside my closet on the end and perhaps add some potpourri or febreeze in there. Where and how do you store your gear? Any suggestions? This messy person could use your help haha.
I love your shoe selection!
besides bike gear just looks amazing right?? ????
Where ya from in Indiana?