Many motorcycle rides were created after the horrifying events that occurred on 9-11-2001. On every ride the motto was "we shall never forget" Sadly most of these rides no longer exist....if we do not will not be long until we all forget!
So United We Roll!
The Ride!
Meet at Jimmy's
Ride to the Pentagon Memorial.
After riding through and making some noise on the departure level at Dulles Airport we will ride to the Pentagon for a private escorted tour of the 9/11 Memorial at the Pentagon. We will then return again through Dulles Airport and back to Jimmy's for a toast and opening day football, where we will all stand for the National Anthem! This will be an amazing ride to insure folks never forget! Complimentary breakfast at 9am
Speeches and Prayers with video and music at 9:30
KSU at 10:00 am. Pentagon at 10:45 am. KSU just before noon from Pentagon. 12:30 arrival back at Jimmy's. 1pm stand for the National Anthem!
Benefit - Charity
United We Roll
Dec 11, 16:00, Thu - Dec 14, 16:00
United States, Virginia697 spring st
Herndon / Dulles Riders Group