NOTE THE CHANGE IN DATE TO SUNDAY, AUGUST 30TH. This is a tentative date as we are hoping it will be safe to gather by then. Keep checking back for updates!
As always, this is a free will donation event. There is not a registration fee for bikers.
9-11 am Iowa Beef Steakhouse
11 am Kickstands up
Water's Edge Bar and American Legion in Polk City
Kippy's in Elkhart
End at Norwood Inn
The Band Spam will perform at Norwood Inn from 3-5 pm
At this time, we are not asking for raffle prizes for donations as we do not feel it is right during the current circumstances to ask the small businesses for donations. If you want to donate something, we would be very appreciative but will look for opportunities to raise money other than raffle prizes.
We WILL still collect crayons for the Crayon Raffle and donate those to Blank Children's Hospital. Chad Stutzman is donating a prize for this raffle. Remember -- one box of crayon = one entry into drawing for prize. Ten boxes of crayons = 10 entries into drawing.
We will also have a bus for non-riders -- cost will be $10 per person. You can contact Denise Sullivan at 515-975-8359 to be put on a list for the bus. We will not collect any money until the date is confirmed for August 30th. Right now we only have one bus that has been generously donated by American Party Buses so spots will be limited.
T-shirts will be available for purchase soon. We will post details on those when they are available.