Swap Meet
Rad Dudes Rad Colors Ride
Dec 11, 16:00, Thu - Dec 14, 16:00
United States, Wisconsin818 E Center St, Milwaukee, WI 53212, USA
1. Find some rad throwback gear. If you don’t have anything vintage that fits or isn’t a collectors item and still want to ride safe find some oversized Zubaz or a windbreaker that fits over your regular gear. Either way, look for some kind of throw back whether it’s 1990s, or if you’re riding a 2000s bike and have some old Joe Rocket stuff.
2. Route and start point TBD, but thinking city ride that starts at Fuel Center Street and ends at Fuel 5th.
3. I’ll probably make some commemorative shirts for the event if there’s interest.
More to follow as the date gets closer. Feedback and ideas appreciated, for now start shopping. Email me at radsuperbikes@gmail.com for more.
-Jason Prill
Rad Superbikes