Join us for our annual Ride 4 Recovery! We are thrilled to be able to move forward with the ride...but please understand due to COVID-19 things will look a little different this year. We want to keep everyone safe and will be following all local and state guidelines.
Check in starts at 9:00am at Heartland Community Church (3400 Weymouth Rd.) in Medina, Ohio. We will do a staggered start with first bike out at 9:30am.
Collect celebrate recovery chips along this scenic fall ride around Northeast Ohio. The last stop is Cornerstone Chapel (3939 Granger Rd.) in Medina where we will have swag bags with meal vouchers, raffle baskets, and prizes. All proceeds will go to Hope Recovery Community, an organization dedicated to serving those impacted by addiction.
Tickets are $25 per rider. Pre-registration by 9/25/20 is required. Purchase tickets via credit card at event name: 2020 Medina Ride 4 Recovery (there is a small processing fee) or with cash/check at Hope Recovery Community (200 Highland Dr., Medina, Ohio). Ticket includes ride, t-shirt, prizes, and meal voucher (participants must register before 9/18/2020 for free shirt and meal)!
Please contact Stefanie Robinson (216.406.8599) with any questions.