Meet UP
Hays House Escort
Dec 11, 16:00, Thu - Dec 14, 16:00
United States, Idaho3203 N Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83704, USA
Conflicted MC is escorting the Hays House children with the help of all fellow bikers to a dinner at Bad Boy Burgers on Federal Way. Stinker is collecting donations and Bad Boy Burgers is hosting the dinner for these wonderful youth we have the privilege of supporting. Come one and come all. We’ll be meeting at stinker on 3203 N cole rd at 4:30pm on our bikes to escort these kids to dinner at Bad Boy Burgers. We would like everyone to join us on their bikes and an evening of fun and festivities to support these great kids!! If you don't have a bike please come to the diner and show these kids they are loved and supported!!!!
Conflicted MC