Come on out and join us for the Old Dudes Motorcycle Club's 19th Annual Poker Run in support of Here for the Girls, Inc. ( a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit breast cancer support group.
This year's 2020 start with the Covid-19 has created change to our run. Registration from 9 to 11 am at the Cowbow Sports Grill, Route 17 in Yorktown. Breakfast available for purchase! first bike out 11:30, guided ride out at 11:45.
Second stop Jose Tequilas in Williamsburg! Third stop Lovells in West point! Forth stop the Wild Horse Cafe on Hayes. Ends back at the Cowboy! Last bike in 4 pm! Live band and food available for purchase.
Best hand $150, worst gets your money back. Door Prizes, 50/50, Drop ticket prizes, and more!
Time to ride!!
Covid-19 has put a dent in all our lives. Whether you agree or disagree with the rules, our host at these stops are putting their license on the line. If you don't want to comply, it may cost them plenty. They're not making the rules, don't get angry at them. Bring a mask, social distance, and let's have a good time!