9/11 will forever go down as one of the worst days in the history of the United States. However, it was also a day for us as Americans to look past race, religion, gender, political beliefs, etc.. We came together as a country. So on this day let’s take the time to put all those things we did then and put them behind us again, and remember those who gave there lives and are still battling for it till this day!
Ride will leave promptly at 10am from 109 Ovid St. We will head south on 414, turn right onto 336, right on 96 heading north to 5&20, right on 5&20, and back to our starting location. We hope to be accompanied by the great first responders and law enforcement officers that serve out great communities everyday!
All Cars and Bikes are welcome!
****This is not a political event, so we ask you to please leave your politics at home****