Our ever popular Exmoor Forest Ride Day is running again on the 18th October 2020 in a forest we have not used for these events for some years.
This event is run under an IOPD permit Authorising Number 10236
You will need to be a paid up member of the TRF and have fitted a trials block pattern rear tyre. There will be no quads at this event.
We will be having quality food and drink on site for the day. So please bring some money to the site.
You will be parking at Raleghs Cross Inn to unload your bikes and riding about 4 miles on road to the venue. For people with Junior riders who are not road legal, contact the organiser to arrange drop off at the event. Under 16's ride free with a TRF riding guardian.
There will be no refunds for this event unless we have to cancel.
The format of the day is a one-directional main loop that will be about 3 miles long that will be rideable by all abilities and ages . Off this main loop is a number of sub-loops that will vary in technical difficulty and be marked as Moderate, Severe or Extreme, these sub-loops take you back onto the main loop. There will be something included for everyone.
In our large pits/rest area there will be the food, ambulance and toilets and willbe following all Covid 19 guidlines and controls as relevant at the time.