Have you wanted to learn how to handle a firearm...here is your chance! Foxes and Firearms offer private classes for ladies with at least 5 registered participants.
The class is 4 hours. the same as their Basic Introduction to Handguns class. They will supply all the guns (.22 lr, 38 special, 9 mm & 45 acp) and ammunition for the class.
The cost for the class is $155.00 per person. Must be paid 3 weeks in advance to the date.
Here is the link to pay directly:
Since this is a private event we can bring food and drink to share (no drugs or alcohol).
The class will cover the Universal Safety Rules, proper stance, grip, sight alignment, and trigger control along with some applicable gun laws.
We will need to bring a picture ID (Driver’s License) and must be over the age of 18.
Foxes and Firearms cannot teach anyone who is pregnant (no way to protect the baby’s hearing). Also, they cannot allow anyone in the class who is legally restricted from being in possession of or owning a firearm. (Felon, Misdemeanor of Domestic Violence, Adjudicated Mentally Ill, or a person who uses marijuana, drug abuser or uses drugs other than prescribed).