Team Oregon Advanced Rider Training is a one-day course that is unique, challenging, and most of all, fun. Riding exercises are conducted on a go-kart track Pat's Acres in Canby, providing riders expert instruction on the clean, smooth curves of a closed course.
While participants ride at more real-world speeds, this is not a high speed, racing-oriented class.
Four hours of range (riding) instruction and trackside chats include cornering, braking, swerving and traction management.
Team Oregon coaches will help you improve your curve skills by linking turns and choosing better lines. By the end of the day you'll be carving smoother, more precise corners.
Two hours of classroom discussion includes risk management, crash causation, judgment and impairments, braking, cornering, swerving, transitions and traction.
IMPORTANT: The mandatory classroom for this course happens Sun Sep 20 from 6P-8:30P, via an on-line discussion with your instructors and riding classmates. This is done from home the night before. The riding day is at Pat's Acres on Mon Sep 21 from 12:30P-4:30P.
ART is recommended for endorsed riders ready to take their skills to the next level, but does not meet state mandatory training requirements for riders to earn a motorcycle license.
ART is appropriate for any rider with 2+ years riding experience. Group rates and private courses are available. A shorter version of this course, the Cornering Clinic, is also available.