Registration starts at 9 A.M. and ends at 3 P.M. This years ride will be a scavenger hunt. A Predetermined route with clues to various objects you will need to take a picture of to prove you were there. You may leave at your leisure at any time as long as you return to the clubhouse by 6 P.M. Price of the ticket covers the vehicle if you're solo, two up or six deep in a car. It also covers food for up to two people. Additional participants can eat for $5 each. Drinks will be available for a small donation as well. There will be a preregistration date available at the clubhouse as well for those of you that do not want to do it online. There was a conflict in scheduling with the date we had picked out so I will update as soon as we have a new one. I can tell you it will not be until at least the middle to later part of August. Come on out and have a good time for a great cause. Thanks and hope to see you there.
Shirts will be the same as last years just swapping 2nd Annual in for Inaugural. Shirts will be PREPAID/PREORDER only this year. We will be selling the remainder of the shirts and bandanas from last year at a discounted price $10 for a shirt and $5 for a bandana. While supplies last!