Meet UP
Spyders in the Ozarks- Fall Fun
Dec 11, 16:00, Thu - Dec 14, 16:00
United States, Missouri, NixaN Robin St, 1271
This year we have added another event to Spyders in the Ozarks. We now have the Spring Fling and the Fall Fun rally. These dates were decided based on the trusty Farmers Almanac which states "April and May will be warmer and slightly drier than normal. September and October will bring above-normal temperatures and below-normal rainfall." So it looks like it's going to be a great year for riding and fellowship.
The SITO Spring Fling will be May 28-30
and the
SITO Fall Fun will be September 17-19.
So put in for your vacation time and get ready to ride some of the best roads in the country. More details soon.
Lamoster Garage