Silver Towers Camp is an overnight summer camp for people with disabilities of all ages. Located in Ripton, VT Silver Towers is owned and operated by the Vermont Elks Association.
This year's theme will be "Bring a Friend". Share this incredible experience with your family and friends! Let's see how many new visitors we can bring in to meet the campers, make some friends and experience the amazing Silver Towers Camp.
The 2020 Ride Fundraiser is a statewide event hosted by the Vermont Elks Lodges, open to all. Participants may meet on their own or at various Elk Lodges around the state and make your way to Middlebury High School arriving no later than 11:30 a.m. There we will meet up with a police escort and travel the 10 miles to Silver Towers Camp in Ripton where we will meet the campers and enjoy a barbecue lunch. $10 includes lunch, sponsor sheets will be available at any VT Elk's Lodge. Rain or Shine the event will go on!
Save the date, Sunday July 12th!! More details to follow about meeting points as we get closer to the date. Motorcycles, cars, trucks, jeeps, family and friends, all are welcome!!!