Benefit - Charity
Save The Girls Benefit Ride
Dec 11, 16:00, Thu - Dec 14, 16:00
United States, Virginia, SaltvilleSaltville, VA, USA
15 $
This is a benefit ride for 2 girls with a debilitating disease. This disease is ofttimes fatal. Their parents are faced with mounting medical expenses. They are being overwhelmed by the extreme costs for their medication and care. This our way of "Paying It Forward."
Please plan to attend to help support these children and the family.
We will have prize drawings and also are having a 50/50 drawing. The 50/50 price will be 1 for $1, 6 for $5 and 20 for $15. Photos of the prizes will be displayed soon.
$20 per rider, $5 per passenger
So join us at the Saltville Town Commons Stage in Saltville, VA on Saturday, September 5, 2020.
Registration starts at 10:00 AM
KSU at 11:00 AM
All vehicles are welcome!
Leon Kukeattinun