Announcing the Resurrection of the 8th Annual Combat Vets Motorcycle Assn. Florida State Rally! After initially being forced to cancel due to the COVID, by teaming up with GATOR HARLEY DAVIDSON, we have been able to alter some things and get the party back on track! Make plans now to join us for Bike Game, Escorted Ride, Live Entertainment, 50-50, BONFIRE and BROTHERHOOD and so much more!!!.... Watch this spot for updates!!! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
MicroTel Inn and Suites
All available rooms $79+tax/fees (Use code "CVMA")
9700 US 441, Leesburg, FL, 34788
We will have about 20 RV spaces and 40 tent spaces ON SITE.
There will be power available via extension cord, but the RV power slots are very limited (unless you have a very long power cord). Camping spots are FIRST COME FIRST SERVED
POC for all camping reservations:
Kevin Coulter "Chaos" 20-15 SAA CTSVKEVIN@YAHOO.COM 858-882-7164
Your Brother,
Robert W. "Bocephus" Passen
Commander CVMA 20-4 Orlando
"The Combat Rats"