This too shall pass, and when it does..... it's Diva time!
2020 Southeast Regional Retreat - Sept 25-27, 2020
Salt Springs, FL
Diva sisters -- You asked for it, you got it!! We will be getting together in the late summer for our annual Chrome Divas SE Region Retreat. All Chrome Diva sisters who are national members in good standing are welcome. Plans are pending, but expect a low key, relaxing time next to the lake to visit with your sisters.
The resort has set aside lakeview cabins and 2 nearby rv sites. To get your cabin reserved, call the Salt Springs Elite RV Resort at 352-685-1900, by May 15. Use the code Chrome Divas. They will take your credit card # and charge your account. If the dates change for whatever reason, there are no refunds, but they will shift dates for us at no charge.
Let me know if there are questions.